I Hate…

Dear Mom, I hate the tap option with interact now. It would have made your life so much easier had it been available before. I hate that North Vancouver has changed so much, that some of our favourite places have shut down or have been turned into something else. And I want to go backContinue reading “I Hate…”

If I Had My Life To Live Over…

If I had my life to live over, I would do it again with you, Mom. That is, if you’d have me. I’d listen to all your advice, from putting on a jacket, to eating well, to not worrying so much about running around for others, even which Hindi movies to watch. I would watchContinue reading “If I Had My Life To Live Over…”

Thank You For the Falling Mug

Hi Mom, I’m sorry I’ve been so stuck on what ifs and I should have dones and I wish I hads lately, as far as you go. Everywhere I turn, everything that I do, I end up thinking about or wondering if things would have gone so differently if I had been more patient, slowedContinue reading “Thank You For the Falling Mug”

After Life

Dear Mom, I found a new show to watch! It’s called After Life. Of course, I was intrigued by the title. But I also needed something new to keep me occupied because I finished all the seasons of Heartland that I could find. It’s funny. I heard about After LIfe from a guy on onlineContinue reading “After Life”

Mask On, Mask Off?

Dear Mom, There’s a pandemic going on right now. You probably already know that, or, I don’t know how news like that works after someone passed away. Do you just know everything that’s going on? Or energetically, can you just feel the bigness of it?- like you are aware that people are really getting testedContinue reading “Mask On, Mask Off?”

Raisin Rapture 892

Dear Mom, Sorry I haven’t written in awhile. It doesn’t mean I haven’t been thinking about you. It’s actually the opposite. I’ve been holding a lot of guilt again over things that I think I didn’t do for you. And I’m finding it hard to let go of that. I still say my daily morningContinue reading “Raisin Rapture 892”

Dear India

Hi Mom, So I amĀ  a bit behind on this 21 Days of Abundance thing now, but how can you really be behind when it comes to abundance right? I’m on Day 18 and the theme is Live in Unity. The Assignment is to write a letter to your country of origin. In this letter,Continue reading “Dear India”

Like You…

Dear Mom, Today is Day 13 of the 21 Days of Abundance Challenge (as prescribed by Deepak Chopra0. The assignement asks for me to think about the description I wrote about you a few days ago (from Day 11 and 12) and then consider my own life and my own patterns of behaviour. The questionsContinue reading “Like You…”

Ask Mom…

Dear Mom, Today’s assignement in the 21 Days of Abundance program is for me to ask you, my mom, two questions: What has been your greatest pain or greatest disappoinment in your life? and What is your dream or greatest desire that remains unfulfilled? Wow. I don’t know about you, but even thinking about askingContinue reading “Ask Mom…”

Born into Abundance

Dear Mom, I have been wanting to tell you so much lately. The world is crazy right now- with a virus that is making so many people sick everywhere- the Corona Virus. I don’t even know where it got its name. But people are in fear, people are sad, people have lost their jobs, peopleContinue reading “Born into Abundance”