Ain’t Nobody Love Me Better Than You

Hi Mom, I’m at one of my favourite coffee shops- Papparoti. And I just heard this really cool song I haven’t heard in ages- Ain’t Nobody by Chaka Khan. Well, the original singer was Chaka Khan and I just learned it was also by a funk band called Rufus. There are a few beautiful acousticContinue reading “Ain’t Nobody Love Me Better Than You”


Dear Mom, There’s a song I like, and get this- it’s from a Hindi movie! I know, crazy, right?  I don’t know if I ever told you about this song, or the movie. Or did you introduce me to the movie? I don’t know how else I would have ended up watching it. But IContinue reading “Intezaar”

Always Be Your Baby

Dear Mom, A couple of weeks ago, I had a dream about you and me.  I was sitting on your lap, not as a child, but as an adult. And you were rocking me or comforting me, and still being the mother who babies me. But the thing is that I liked it. Not justContinue reading “Always Be Your Baby”