Thank you for always encouraging me to rest

Dear Mom, I slept all day yesterday. A little out of some sadness, but mostly because of a head and neck ache I had the night before. Nothing seemed to alleviate it, and I didn’t want to take any harsh pain medication. Though I did try some Vicks (thanks). That was soothing. But I wasContinue reading “Thank you for always encouraging me to rest”

Thanks for Having Me, Mom

Hi Mom, It was my birthday yesterday. Of course you know that. You never forgot, and always made me feel most special on my day. But it’s you that should have been most celebrated then too. I mean, you HAD me, like literally HAD me. Yikes. I still find it so unfathomable how that happens.Continue reading “Thanks for Having Me, Mom”

Dear India

Hi Mom, So I amĀ  a bit behind on this 21 Days of Abundance thing now, but how can you really be behind when it comes to abundance right? I’m on Day 18 and the theme is Live in Unity. The Assignment is to write a letter to your country of origin. In this letter,Continue reading “Dear India”

Ask Mom…

Dear Mom, Today’s assignement in the 21 Days of Abundance program is for me to ask you, my mom, two questions: What has been your greatest pain or greatest disappoinment in your life? and What is your dream or greatest desire that remains unfulfilled? Wow. I don’t know about you, but even thinking about askingContinue reading “Ask Mom…”

Born into Abundance

Dear Mom, I have been wanting to tell you so much lately. The world is crazy right now- with a virus that is making so many people sick everywhere- the Corona Virus. I don’t even know where it got its name. But people are in fear, people are sad, people have lost their jobs, peopleContinue reading “Born into Abundance”

Happy Birthday, Mommy

Dear Mom, I feel silly or sad or unsure whether to use the word happy when wishing you a birthday. Can I even wish you a birthday if you are now in the spirit world? I guess it’s just a way for me to honour your birth. To tell you and the universe how blessedContinue reading “Happy Birthday, Mommy”

Five years later feels like just yesterday

Dear Mom, I’ve been anticipating this date with so much dread and heaviness- February 10th. Exactly five years ago today, February 10th, 2015, you had fallen outside of your place and that eventually led to your passing away, a shock to all of us, including you, I am sure. It breaks my heart everytime IContinue reading “Five years later feels like just yesterday”

Laila, oh Leila, Layla

Dear Mom, Besides latching onto hearing your name called out in a cemetery as a sign that you’re okay, I also have been following your name around in terms of other types of signs. The first one I remember is when I was apartment hunting. After you passed away, just after actually, I needed toContinue reading “Laila, oh Leila, Layla”

On Mother’s Day

Dear Mom, This year, on Mother’s Day, I felt like I was procrastinating so much on what I had planned to do, which was to go to the cemetery and visit your grave stone. I wanted to get up, just eat some breakfast, buy some flowers, and head out as soon as I could, toContinue reading “On Mother’s Day”

Was that you?

Dear Mom, Although for these four years, I keep praying and asking for you to give me a sign that you’re okay, I wonder how to know when the sign has already appeared. What if I just ‘missed’ it? I’m thinking in particular about what other people might have viewed as a very ‘clear message’Continue reading “Was that you?”